Monday, January 6, 2014

In the Beginning or How This Idea Came to Be or How I Got My Lexiconic Groove Back

What is the point of this blog?
When I was a child I often blew folks away with my large vocabulary. To me, I was just using words I heard everyday around my family or on the television and it didn't seem all that impressive to me what I was doing, but it wowed adults and seemed to annoy other children my age. As I grew older it just expanded even more and I continued not to notice unless other people pointed it out. In middle school my seventh grade English teacher would have us learn 10-20 new words a day and then write them in a sentence for spelling and vocabulary lessons. This was always fun for me because I wouldn't just write random sentences, I would try to construct a ten/twenty sentence short story with my set of words. So for me, not only was it an exercise for expanding my vocabulary and spelling skills, but also flexing my creative muscles as well. My teacher also enjoyed reading my little tales too, so that was always a plus. I began to accumulate a reputation as a "smart" "wordy" person.  But after high school and as I got into college I began to notice that I was neither continuing to expand my lexicon of words nor was I really working the creative part of my brain. In fact I began to forget words and meanings and faced creative blocks in just about every medium I tried. This was due to straight up neglect and from personal issues that began to suppress parts of my talents and personality. Thought lately I feel as if I am coming out of a fog. I am starting to regain parts of my old self and intelligence. But I don't want to just stay where I was, I want to continue to expand my mental capacity and skills. So after mediating on the thought or awhile I came around to the idea to start doing what my grade school teacher had me do, find new words, learn their spellings, meanings, and pronunciations and write them in a sentence. And to flex my creative muscle try to compose a story with them. Every day or so I will learn 10-20 new words and write a story around them. Sometimes they will be centered around recurring characters, other times, not, or even be nonsensical. Its just whatever I feel like that day.
But why post them on the Internet?
Well, I like to quietly share things. I don't want to go running up to someone and ask, "Look at what I diiiid!!!" I like to post things out on the Web so that anyone at anytime at their leisure can look at it and either go, "Oh, that's nice.", or "Rubbish!!! Tripe!!! 115 lashes for such sapid writings!!!"
Also, I find this to be a good learning tool for myself and others. Posting it here holds me accountable and I can track my progress and if anyone is searching for a learning tool they can get inspiration from this.
So this is my word blog. Here I will post vocabulary stories and tidbits of etymology, because I like the history of words as well as their meanings.
If you read it, I hope you enjoy it and might learn something new. If not, well, you don't have to read it.
So long.

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